Revenge of Justice: il titolo di KEMCO in arrivo il 26 marzo sui Nintendo Switch nipponici

Poche ore fa e’ stata rivelata la data di uscita di Revenge of Justice, titolo disponibile prossimamente su Nintendo Switch.

Il GDR strategico di City Connection e KEMCO, sarà pubblicato il prossimo 26 marzo 2019 sull’eShop giapponese di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare informazioni e trailer di seguito.

A Man Who Lost His Memory Takes to a Battlefield of Arms and Stratagem

On a continent plagued beyond recognition by a war continuing for 100 years, a mysterious man who lost his memory appeared. While becoming intricately entangled in a number of conspiracies, the sacred treasure he possessed will significantly alter the course of battle.

A Multi-Ending System Where Your Choices Determine the Story’s Conclusion

The ending of the story drastically changes course based on your responses in the story. Your choices may even alter the state of the world…!?

Strike the Enemy with Optimal Battle Formation and Strategy

Equip your preferred combination of skill parts to significantly affect the state of battle. Rearrange your skills based on the battlefield and enemy traits to always layout the optimal battle formation.

Increase Your Allies with “Reinforcements”

By using the “Reinforcement” skill, you can increase the number of characters in your party during battle. Whether numbers are used to overcome the opposition or as a decoy is up to the player.

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